August Block Lotto — Bookshelf Block

It’s back-to -school time! This month’s Block Lotto is a bookshelf block using a tutorial by Kelli Fannin. Be sure to check out the different layouts she has on the tutorial. These blocks are easily reversed, which makes the finished project more interesting. So if you make multiples, do some each way. These blocks finish at 8″ and would make a great wall hanging or table runner.

Use the following guidelines:
— For the books, use various bright modern fabrics. This block is a perfect way to use your scraps.
— For the “shelf” use a solid or reads-as-solid brown.
— For the background, use solid black – Kona black is preferred, so use that if you have it. It will help the blocks go together nicely. But if you don’t have Kona, no worries – use what you have.

The block tutorial can be found here:


As a reminder, these blocks will be turned in at the September meeting and the lotto is open only to current, paid members. Questions? Email