January Block Lotto — Leaf/Feather (or Feather/Leaf!)

four feather/leaf blocks

For our January block we’re making leaves! Or feathers! It’s open to interpretation but this is a pretty block that’s super easy to make.

Follow Intrepid Thread’s tutorial using the following guidelines:
— For the actual feather, use low-contrast, coordinating fabrics. We’re looking for a subtle effect here, not high contrast. Refer to the pattern picture and example blocks.
— For the stem, use a dark color.
— For the background, use a fabric that reads as white or white-on-white. These are the snowballed corners of the block.

As a reminder, these blocks will be turned in at the February meeting and the lotto is open only to current, paid members.

several leaf/feather blocks on a table
some block lotto entries turned in for the February meeting